2015 VAHSA Health Institute – Health, Mental Health and Beyond: The Family Connection
Boar's Head Inn 200 Ednam Drive, Charlottesville, VA, United StatesCome and say hello!
Come and say hello!
What’s Included? This one-day workshop is for teachers who have completed their initial Tools training. Teachers will learn about cutting edge research, how to apply Vygotskian theory to their teaching practices, and be provided opportunities for guided reflection practice with teachers from other programs. A one-year subscription and licence to iScaffold and access to eTools … Continued
Presentations by Amy Hornbeck, Dorothea Fernandez, Tools co-founder Dr. Deborah Leong, Luis Gallego, and Esther Olivera. Learn more about what they’ll be talking about.
What’s Included? This one-day workshop is for teachers who have completed their initial Tools training. Teachers will learn about cutting edge research, how to apply Vygotskian theory to their teaching practices, and be provided opportunities for guided reflection practice with teachers from other programs. A one-year subscription and licence to iScaffold and access to eTools … Continued
Recent research shows a child’s level of self-regulation (S-R) predicts later school success and achievement as well as later life success better than IQ and readiness scores. Co-founders Drs. Elena Bodrova and Deborah Leong will discuss current research in psychology and neuroscience about S-R and the role that executive functions play in social-emotional and cognitive S-R development. Practical ideas for the classroom and tips for helping parents will be presented that are based on 20 years of experience in Tools of the Mind classrooms.
What’s included? In the first year, the curriculum is taught in four workshops spread across the year, matching the developmental trajectory of children’s growing skills. This four workshop format is supplemented by virtual technical assistance in the form of live webinars and support through our innovative app based learning system, the iScaffold. Teachers have ongoing … Continued
What’s Included? This five day workshop is supplemented by virtual technical assistance in the live webinars and in classroom technical assistance visits. In this first year, the curriculum is taught in four workshops spread across the year, matching the developmental trajectory of children’s growing skills. What will teachers learn? How to embed practice in self-regulated … Continued
What’s included? In the first year, the curriculum is taught in four workshops spread across the year, matching the developmental trajectory of children’s growing skills. This four workshop format is supplemented by virtual technical assistance in the form of live webinars and support through our innovative app based learning system, the iScaffold. Teachers have ongoing … Continued
What’s Included? This five day workshop is supplemented by virtual technical assistance in the live webinars and in classroom technical assistance visits. In this first year, the curriculum is taught in four workshops spread across the year, matching the developmental trajectory of children’s growing skills. What will teachers learn? How to embed practice in self-regulated … Continued
What’s Included? This five day workshop is supplemented by virtual technical assistance in the live webinars and in classroom technical assistance visits. In this first year, the curriculum is taught in four workshops spread across the year, matching the developmental trajectory of children’s growing skills. What will teachers learn? How to embed practice in self-regulated … Continued
What’s included? In the first year, the curriculum is taught in four workshops spread across the year, matching the developmental trajectory of children’s growing skills. This four workshop format is supplemented by virtual technical assistance in the form of live webinars and support through our innovative app based learning system, the iScaffold. Teachers have ongoing … Continued
What’s included? This workshop series is for teachers who have completed year 1 of Tools K training. Teachers will refine their implementation of the Tools of the Mind program through a continued focus on child development, dynamic assessment and individualization of instruction. Teachers will analyze how Tools activities are designed to support self-regulation while also … Continued
What’s included? In the first year, the curriculum is taught in four workshops spread across the year, matching the developmental trajectory of children’s growing skills. This four workshop format is supplemented by virtual technical assistance in the form of live webinars and support through our innovative app based learning system, the iScaffold. Teachers have ongoing … Continued
Other Workshop dates in the series: Tuesday July 28, 2015 | Wednesday July 29, 2015 | Wednesday October 14, 2015 | Wednesday January 13, 2016 | Wednesday March 16, 2016
What’s included? In the first year, the curriculum is taught in four workshops spread across the year, matching the developmental trajectory of children’s growing skills. This four workshop format is supplemented by virtual technical assistance in the form of live webinars and support through our innovative app based learning system, the iScaffold. Teachers have ongoing … Continued
What’s included? In the first year, the curriculum is taught in four workshops spread across the year, matching the developmental trajectory of children’s growing skills. This four workshop format is supplemented by virtual technical assistance in the form of live webinars and support through our innovative app based learning system, the iScaffold. Teachers have ongoing … Continued
What’s included? This workshop series is for teachers who have completed year 1 of Tools K training. Teachers will refine their implementation of the Tools of the Mind program through a continued focus on child development, dynamic assessment and individualization of instruction. Teachers will analyze how Tools activities are designed to support self-regulation while also … Continued
What’s Included? This 2-day workshop series is for teachers who have completed year 1 of Tools training. Teachers will refine their implementation of the Tools of the Mind program through a continued focus on child development, dynamic assessment and individualization of instruction. Teachers will analyze the design of Tools activities, and learn how to embed … Continued
What’s Included? This 2-day workshop series is for teachers who have completed year 1 of Tools training. Teachers will refine their implementation of the Tools of the Mind program through a continued focus on child development, dynamic assessment and individualization of instruction. Teachers will analyze the design of Tools activities, and learn how to embed … Continued
Interested in Tools of the Mind Curriculum for your Pre-Kindergarten program for the 2016-17 school year? Tools of the Mind is a research-based early childhood program with a comprehensive Preschool & Kindergarten curriculum and professional development series. Tools has a targeted focus on developing young children's self-regulation skills based on Vygotskian theory. Curriculum content meets … Continued
What’s Included? This 2-day workshop series is for teachers who have completed year 1 of Tools training. Teachers will refine their implementation of the Tools of the Mind program through a continued focus on child development, dynamic assessment and individualization of instruction. Teachers will analyze the design of Tools activities, and learn how to embed … Continued
What’s included? This workshop series is for teachers who have completed year 1 of Tools K training. Teachers will refine their implementation of the Tools of the Mind program through a continued focus on child development, dynamic assessment and individualization of instruction. Teachers will analyze how Tools activities are designed to support self-regulation while also … Continued
Interested in Tools of the Mind Curriculum for your Pre-Kindergarten program for the 2016-17 school year? Tools of the Mind is a research-based early childhood program with a comprehensive Preschool & Kindergarten curriculum and professional development series. Tools has a targeted focus on developing young children's self-regulation skills based on Vygotskian theory. Curriculum content meets … Continued
What’s included? In the first year, the curriculum is taught in four workshops spread across the year, matching the developmental trajectory of children’s growing skills. This four workshop format is supplemented by virtual technical assistance in the form of live webinars and support through our innovative app based learning system, the iScaffold. Teachers have ongoing … Continued
What’s included? In the first year, the curriculum is taught in four workshops spread across the year, matching the developmental trajectory of children’s growing skills. This four workshop format is supplemented by virtual technical assistance in the form of live webinars and support through our innovative app based learning system, the iScaffold. Teachers have ongoing … Continued
What’s Included? This five day workshop is supplemented by virtual technical assistance in the live webinars and in classroom technical assistance visits. In this first year, the curriculum is taught in four workshops spread across the year, matching the developmental trajectory of children’s growing skills. What will teachers learn? How to embed practice in self-regulated … Continued
What’s Included? This five day workshop is supplemented by virtual technical assistance in the live webinars and in classroom technical assistance visits. In this first year, the curriculum is taught in four workshops spread across the year, matching the developmental trajectory of children’s growing skills. What will teachers learn? How to embed practice in self-regulated … Continued
Interested in Tools of the Mind Curriculum for your Kindergarten program for the 2016-17 school year? Tools of the Mind is a research-based early childhood program with a comprehensive Preschool & Kindergarten curriculum and professional development series. Tools has a targeted focus on developing young children's self-regulation skills base on Vygotskian theory. curriculum content meets … Continued
Interested in Tools of the Mind Curriculum for your Kindergarten program for the 2016-17 school year? Tools of the Mind is a research-based early childhood program with a comprehensive Preschool & Kindergarten curriculum and professional development series. Tools has a targeted focus on developing young children's self-regulation skills based on Vygotskian theory. Curriculum content meets … Continued
What’s included? In the first year, the curriculum is taught in four workshops spread across the year, matching the developmental trajectory of children’s growing skills. This four workshop format is supplemented by virtual technical assistance in the form of live webinars and support through our innovative app based learning system, the iScaffold. Teachers have ongoing … Continued
Join VAECE and Tools of the Mind for this 3 day conference of engaging professional development, networking, and reflection. Join over 1,000 of your colleagues in Richmond for a happy weekend of learning.
What’s included? In the first year, the curriculum is taught in four workshops spread across the year, matching the developmental trajectory of children’s growing skills. This four workshop format is supplemented by virtual technical assistance in the form of live webinars and support through our innovative app based learning system, the iScaffold. Teachers have ongoing … Continued
Come join Dr. Leong for her keynote presentation "Why Play Matters: The Development of Self-Regulation/ Executive Functions in Young Children" on Friday April 1st. How does self-regulation/executive function (S-R/EFs) develop and what are the barriers to its development, including toxic stress?
We will be at the Lakeshore booth in the exhibit hall on Friday, April 1st and Saturday, April 2nd. Please come by to learn more about Tools of the Mind! To learn more about the California Association for the Education of Young Children (CAEYC) Conference, Early Education: A Pathway to Lifelong Learning, please click here.
Learn how emotions develop from infancy to school-aged children exploring the theories of Lev Vygotsky and much more!
What’s included? In the first year, the curriculum is taught in four workshops spread across the year, matching the developmental trajectory of children’s growing skills. This four workshop format is supplemented by virtual technical assistance in the form of live webinars and support through our innovative app based learning system, the iScaffold. Teachers have ongoing … Continued
What’s Included? This five day workshop is supplemented by virtual technical assistance in the live webinars and in classroom technical assistance visits. In this first year, the curriculum is taught in four workshops spread across the year, matching the developmental trajectory of children’s growing skills. What will teachers learn? How to embed practice in self-regulated … Continued
What’s included? In the first year, the curriculum is taught in four workshops spread across the year, matching the developmental trajectory of children’s growing skills. This four workshop format is supplemented by virtual technical assistance in the form of live webinars and support through our innovative app based learning system, the iScaffold. Teachers have ongoing … Continued
Interested in Tools of the Mind Curriculum for your Pre-Kindergarten or Kindergarten program for the 2016-17 school year? Tools of the Mind is a research-based early childhood program with a comprehensive Preschool & Kindergarten curriculum and professional development series. Tools has a targeted focus on developing young children's self-regulation skills based on Vygotskian theory. Curriculum … Continued
Join our Co-Founder and Executive Director, Dr. Deborah Leong, and our Director of Training, Patti Greenstein, for a workshop presentation and visit us at our booth too!
Join Tools of the Mind Co-Founder and Director of Research, Dr. Elena Bodrova and our Director of Training, Patti Greenstein, for a workshop presentation, "Supporting Play in Toddlers: Lessons from Tools of the Minds Classrooms," on Friday morning and visit us at the Lakeshore booth on Thursday and Friday too! Not yet registered? There's still time. … Continued
Tools of the Mind Co-Founder and Executive Director, Dr. Deborah Leong, and Regional Training Manager, Amy Hnasko, deliver a workshop presentation on "Maximizing the Efficacy of Early Childhood Coaching: Lessons Learned from the Research and Tools of the Mind Field Implementation."
We are excited to support the 2016 Prenatal to Grade 3 Governor's Institute in Philadelphia as a sponsor this year! Please be sure to visit us at our booth throughout the Institute to learn more about Tools of the Mind. We look forward to seeing you there!
What’s Included? In the first year, the Core curriculum is taught in four sequential workshops spread across the year, matching the developmental trajectory of children’s growing skills. This two day training is the first in the series. The four workshop format is supplemented throughout the year by virtual technical assistance, webinars and support through our … Continued
Thank you for your interest in attending the PreK Year 1 Core Curriculum Blended Learning Training in Seattle, WA. For more information about this training opportunity, please contact Patti Greenstein, Director of Training, at pgreenstein@toolsofthemind.org or 202-997-2502. Thank You!
What’s included? In the first year, the Core curriculum is taught in four sequential workshops spread across the year, matching the developmental trajectory of children’s growing skills. This two day, in-person training is the first in the series. The next three sessions will be delivered virtually, so you do them on your own in the … Continued
What’s included? In the first year, the Core curriculum is taught in four sequential workshops spread across the year, matching the developmental trajectory of children’s growing skills. This two day, in-person training is the first in the series. The next three sessions will be delivered virtually, so you do them on your own in the … Continued
What’s included? In the first year, the Core curriculum is taught in four sequential workshops spread across the year, matching the developmental trajectory of children’s growing skills. This two day, in-person training is the first in the series. The next three sessions will be delivered virtually, so you do them on your own in the … Continued
What’s included? In the first year, the Core curriculum is taught in four sequential workshops spread across the year, matching the developmental trajectory of children’s growing skills. This two day training is the first in the series. The four workshop format is supplemented throughout the year by virtual technical assistance, webinars and support through our … Continued
What’s included? In the first year, the Core curriculum is taught in four sequential workshops spread across the year, matching the developmental trajectory of children’s growing skills. This two day training is the first in the series. The four workshop format is supplemented throughout the year by virtual technical assistance, webinars and support through our … Continued
What’s included? In the first year, the Core curriculum is taught in four sequential workshops spread across the year, matching the developmental trajectory of children’s growing skills. This two day training is the first in the series. The four workshop format is supplemented throughout the year by virtual technical assistance, webinars and support through our … Continued
Thank you for your interest in attending PreK Year 1 Core Curriculum Training in Natick, MA. This training is now being offered as part of our Blended Learning training series in Boston, MA.
What’s included? In the first year, the Core curriculum is taught in four sequential workshops spread across the year, matching the developmental trajectory of children’s growing skills. This two day, in-person training is the first in the series. The next three sessions will be delivered virtually, so you do them on your own in the … Continued
What’s included? In the first year, the Core curriculum is taught in four sequential workshops spread across the year, matching the developmental trajectory of children’s growing skills. This two day, in-person training is the first in the series. The next three sessions will be delivered virtually, so you do them on your own in the … Continued
What’s included? In the first year, the Core curriculum is taught in four sequential workshops spread across the year, matching the developmental trajectory of children’s growing skills. This two day training is the first in the series. The four workshop format is supplemented throughout the year by virtual technical assistance in the live webinars. Teachers … Continued
What’s included? In the first year, the Core curriculum is taught in four sequential workshops spread across the year, matching the developmental trajectory of children’s growing skills. This two day training is the first in the series. The four workshop format is supplemented throughout the year by virtual technical assistance, webinars and support through our … Continued
Thank you for your interest in the Kindergarten Core Curriculum training in Long Branch, NJ. Due to popular demand, this session is now full and has been closed. If you are still interested in Kindergarten Core Training for SY2016-2017, please click here to learn more about the sessions in Chicago in July or click here to … Continued
What’s included? In the first year, the Core curriculum is taught in four sequential workshops spread across the year, matching the developmental trajectory of children’s growing skills. This two day training is the first in the series. The four workshop format is supplemented throughout the year by virtual technical assistance in the live webinars. Teachers … Continued
What’s included? In 2016-2017, we are offering five continuing education workshops. These full-day workshops are designed for teachers and staff members who have completed the Pre-Kindergarten Year 1 Core Curriculum training. Each session in the series offers participants a chance to learn about a unique aspect of the Tools of the Mind curriculum in greater … Continued
What’s Included? The Tools of the Mind curriculum is one of the most researched and innovative programs for kindergarten students available. Dr. Leong & Bodrova’s book, Tools of the Mind the Vygotskian Approach to Early Childhood Education is considered a classic for its accessible approach to understanding how Vygotskian theory can be applied in the … Continued
What’s included? In 2016-2017, we are offering two continuing education workshops. These full-day workshops are designed for teachers and staff members who have completed the Kindergarten Year 1 Core Curriculum training. Each of these sessions offers participants a chance to learn about a unique aspect of the Tools of the Mind curriculum in greater depth … Continued
Thank you for your interest in this Continuing Education session. This training is now being offered as part of our Continuing Education series in Piscataway, NJ. To learn more, please visit: Piscataway Continuing Education Series, Supporting All Children in a Diverse Classroom. Thank you!
What’s included? In 2016-2017, we are offering five continuing education workshops. These full-day workshops are designed for teachers and staff members who have completed the Pre-Kindergarten Year 1 Core Curriculum training. Each session in the series offers participants a chance to learn about a unique aspect of the Tools of the Mind curriculum in greater … Continued
Thank you for your interest in the Kindergarten Core Curriculum training in Long Branch, NJ. Due to popular demand, this session is now full and has been closed. If you are still interested in Kindergarten Core Training for SY2016-2017, please click here to learn more about the sessions in Chicago in July or click here … Continued
The Year 1 Core curriculum is taught in four sequential workshops. This one day training is the second in the series, and completion of training workshop 1 is a prerequisite.
The Year 1 Core curriculum is taught in four sequential workshops. This one day training is the second in the series, and completion of training workshop 1 is a prerequisite.
The Year 1 Core curriculum is taught in four sequential workshops. This one day training is the second in the series, and completion of training workshop 1 is a prerequisite.
The Year 1 Core curriculum is taught in four sequential workshops. This one day training is the second in the series, and completion of training workshop 1 is a prerequisite.
The Year 1 Core curriculum is taught in four sequential workshops. This one day training is the second in the series, and completion of training workshop 1 is a prerequisite.
The Year 1 Core curriculum is taught in four sequential workshops. This one day training is the second in the series, and completion of training workshop 1 is a prerequisite.
The Year 1 Core curriculum is taught in four sequential workshops. This one day training is the second in the series, and the completion of training workshops 1, 2 and 3 is a prerequisite.
The Year 1 Core curriculum is taught in four sequential workshops. This one day training is the second in the series, and completion of training workshop 1 is a prerequisite.
The Year 1 Core curriculum is taught in four sequential workshops. This one day training is the second in the series, and completion of training workshop 1 is a prerequisite.
What’s included? In 2016-2017, we are offering five continuing education workshops. These full-day workshops are designed for teachers and staff members who have completed the Pre-Kindergarten Year 1 Core Curriculum training. Each session in the series offers participants a chance to learn about a unique aspect of the Tools of the Mind curriculum in greater … Continued
What’s included? In 2016-2017, we are offering five continuing education workshops. These full-day workshops are designed for teachers and staff members who have completed the Pre-Kindergarten Year 1 Core Curriculum training. Each session in the series offers participants a chance to learn about a unique aspect of the Tools of the Mind curriculum in greater … Continued
The Year 1 Core curriculum is taught in four sequential workshops. This one day training is the third in the series, and the completion of training workshops 1, 2 and 3 is a prerequisite.
The Year 1 Core curriculum is taught in four sequential workshops. This one day training is the third in the series, and the completion of training workshops 1 and 2 is a prerequisite.
Thank you for your interest in this Continuing Education session. This training is now being offered as part of our Continuing Education series in Piscataway, NJ. To learn more, please visit: Piscataway Continuing Education Series: Preparing Children to be Successful Readers. Thank you!
The Year 1 Core curriculum is taught in four sequential workshops. This one day training is the third in the series, and the completion of training workshops 1 and 2 is a prerequisite.
The Year 1 Core curriculum is taught in four sequential workshops. This one day training is the third in the series, and the completion of training workshops 1 and 2 is a prerequisite.
What’s included? In 2016-2017, we are offering two continuing education workshops. These full-day workshops are designed for teachers and staff members who have completed the Kindergarten Year 1 Core Curriculum training. Each of these sessions offers participants a chance to learn about a unique aspect of the Tools of the Mind curriculum in greater depth … Continued
What’s included? In 2016-2017, we are offering five continuing education workshops. These full-day workshops are designed for teachers and staff members who have completed the Pre-Kindergarten Year 1 Core Curriculum training. Each session in the series offers participants a chance to learn about a unique aspect of the Tools of the Mind curriculum in greater … Continued
Thank you for your interest in the Kindergarten Core Curriculum training in Long Branch, NJ. Due to popular demand, this session is now full and has been closed. If you are still interested in Kindergarten Core Training for SY2016-2017, please click here to learn more about the sessions in Chicago in July or click here … Continued
The Year 1 Core curriculum is taught in four sequential workshops. This one day training is the third in the series, and completion of training workshops 1 and 2 is a prerequisite.
The Year 1 Core curriculum is taught in four sequential workshops. This one day training is the third in the series, and the completion of training workshops 1 and 2 is a prerequisite.
The Year 1 Core curriculum is taught in four sequential workshops. This one day training is the third in the series, and completion of training workshops 1 and 2 is a prerequisite.
The Year 1 Core curriculum is taught in four sequential workshops. This one day training is the third in the series, and the completion of training workshops 1 and 2 is a prerequisite.
What’s included? In 2016-2017, we are offering two continuing education workshops. These full-day workshops are designed for teachers and staff members who have completed the Kindergarten Year 1 Core Curriculum training. Each of these sessions offers participants a chance to learn about a unique aspect of the Tools of the Mind curriculum in greater depth … Continued
The Year 1 Core curriculum is taught in four sequential workshops. This one day training is the third in the series, and the completion of training workshops 1 and 2 is a prerequisite.
What’s included? These full-day workshops are designed for teachers and staff members who have completed the Pre-Kindergarten Year 1 Core Curriculum training. Each session in the series offers participants a chance to learn about a unique aspect of the Tools of the Mind curriculum in greater depth and detail. PreK Beyond the Core: Supporting Self-regulation … Continued
What’s included? In 2016-2017, we are offering five continuing education workshops. These full-day workshops are designed for teachers and staff members who have completed the Pre-Kindergarten Year 1 Core Curriculum training. Each session in the series offers participants a chance to learn about a unique aspect of the Tools of the Mind curriculum in greater … Continued
Due to the winter storm, this even has been postponed. The new date will posted shortly so please stay tuned for updates!!! Interested in Tools of the Mind Curriculum for your Kindergarten program for the 2017-18 school year? Tools of the Mind is a research-based early childhood program with a comprehensive Preschool & Kindergarten curriculum … Continued
The Year 1 Core curriculum is taught in four sequential workshops. This one day training is the fourth in the series, and the completion of training workshops 1, 2 and 3 is a prerequisite.
Thank you for your interest in this Continuing Education session. This training is now being offered as part of our Continuing Education series in Piscataway, NJ. To learn more, please visit: Piscataway Continuing Education Series: Investigating Math and Science. Thank you!
What’s included? In 2016-2017, we are offering five continuing education workshops. These full-day workshops are designed for teachers and staff members who have completed the Pre-Kindergarten Year 1 Core Curriculum training. Each session in the series offers participants a chance to learn about a unique aspect of the Tools of the Mind curriculum in greater … Continued
The Year 1 Core curriculum is taught in four sequential workshops. This one day training is the fourth in the series, and the completion of training workshops 1, 2 and 3 is a prerequisite.
The Year 1 Core curriculum is taught in four sequential workshops. This one day training is the fourth in the series, and the completion of training workshops 1, 2 and 3 is a prerequisite.
The Year 1 Core curriculum is taught in four sequential workshops. This one day training is the fourth in the series, and the completion of training workshops 1, 2 and 3 is a prerequisite.
Thank you for your interest in this Continuing Education session. This training is now being offered as part of our Continuing Education series in Piscataway, NJ. To learn more, please visit: Piscataway Continuing Education Series: Supporting Purposeful & Powerful Play. Thank you!
The Year 1 Core curriculum is taught in four sequential workshops. This one day training is the fourth in the series, and the completion of training workshops 1, 2 and 3 is a prerequisite.