Dear Parent,

Your child’s classroom is involved in an innovative early childhood program called Tools of the Mind. In Tools, teachers use research-based teaching techniques to build each child’s underlying self-regulation and social-emotional skills at the same time they are supporting children’s school readiness and academic development, providing the foundation children need to be successful in school and life.

Your child’s teacher has been dedicated to mastering the Tools approach to teaching and learning and would now like to become an endorsed Tools of the Mind teacher, demonstrating mastery. The endorsement process involves recording video of teaching and learning in the classroom and submitting it to Tools of the Mind with copies of children’s work samples on the day of videotaping. The video and work samples are reviewed by the Tools of the Mind team and another Tools teacher or Tools coach.

These video and work samples become the property of Tools of the Mind to use in our nonprofit mission-driven educational work, which may include use in the future to train educators, administrators and parents.

We are so impressed by the work your child and their teacher are doing, and appreciate your support of your child’s teacher in engaging in this process by reviewing and signing the release below. If you have any questions about this, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at

  • Consent

    To consent to having photos of work samples and photos and/or videos of your child engaged in Tools activities be available to be used for the endorsement process, training purposes, educational presentations and for other purposes consistent with the nonprofit charitable and programmatic objectives of Tools of the Mind, please check one of the boxes below and sign the signature box.
    By checking the below box I acknowledge that I am the legal guardian of the child listed above.