Your health and safety are very important to us at Tools and we are closely monitoring CDC and public health guidance to make decisions about workshops and technical assistance. We have a plan in place for virtual workshops and virtual TA and will be in touch if there are any changes before workshops or scheduled TA take place. We have also developed and will continue to share learning assets for learning at home for PreK and kindergarten.

Does Tools have resources for supporting children’s learning at home?

Yes – Tools of the Mind is pleased to launch Tools @ Home for all parents of PreK and Kindergarten children. These Tools of the Mind-inspired materials and activities provide simple and realistic guidance to help families establish basic, flexible routines, support a rhythm of planning before doing, encourage playful learning, and deepen children’s self-regulation. We hope parents will try many of our suggestions, and we invite teachers to direct parents to this page and integrate its content when providing guidance to families. Share the link with your students’ families, as well as anyone else who may benefit. A translation button at the top of the page offers access to the content in Spanish as well. Parents can expect added content each week for the remainder of the school year to continue to support teachers and families at this challenging moment. Click Tools @ Home on the left menu or click here to navigate to the page.

Additionally, Tools teachers with eTools access can view our PreK Learn At Home page and our K Learn At Home page. These pages contain Tools at Home Core Kits, booster activities updated weekly, and more.

PowerTools @ Home is a new program that supports continuity of instruction for children and makes PowerTools available to parents of children in Tools Kindergarten classrooms free of charge. Through PowerTools, Tools teachers can continue to engage children’s reading journey at home by sending badger messages and encouraging children to read and re-read books at home!

Information on how parents can sign up for PowerTools @ Home is on our K Learn At Home page.

If you are a parent of a child enrolled in a non-Tools K or Grade 1 classroom and interested in trying out PowerTools, please request an account through our PowerTools @ Home public sign-up form.

Where can I find up-to-date information for my specific workshop?

You can always find the most up to date information on workshops on your workshop page. We will also notify registered participants by email in the event of any changes to workshop schedule or format.

How can I prepare to attend virtual Q&A sessions and TA?

Your Tools partnership facilitator will email Zoom Meeting invites to Q&A sessions to support your ongoing professional development, talk about supporting Tools at home and how to support children’s transition back to the classroom in the future. For more information about using Zoom and preparing for virtual workshops and TA please see Resources for Virtual Workshop Participants.

Who should I contact if I require technical support related to a virtual workshop or TA?

Please email and a Tools support specialist will get back to you as soon as possible.