Account Delegation
Account delegation allows a lead teacher to add another Tools Portal user as an authorized delegate to their account. As an authorized delegate, the other user can access the lead teacher’s selected Tools License via their personal Tools Portal account. An authorized delegate may be a co-teacher, assistant teacher, administrator, coach, or other school personnel member and must have a current Tools Portal account.
All added delegates receive Read permission which will allow them to view all information for the selected License. Lead teachers can give Write permission to delegates, allowing them to create new content and/or update any existing data. With Write permission, delegates will be able to:
- For MyTREE: Submit and delete videos, add new comments, and reply to messages left by the Tools trainer as the lead teacher
- For Family Connect: Edit the class roster and student contact information and send and receive messages to families as the lead teacher
- For Learn@Home or Tools@Home: Edit the class roster and student contact information, customize the Virtual Classroom message, change the classroom password, and publish a unit/week to the Virtual Classroom
Authorized delegates given Family Connect access can also be given Notify permission, allowing them to receive a copy of the lead teacher’s Family Connect notifications.
Account Delegation Acknowledgment
Because delegation allows users to share identifiable child data between a lead teacher’s account and the authorized delegate, we must have an administrator’s approval and acknowledgment to enable account delegation for a school site. Please complete the following form if you wish to allow account delegation for your school site.