Past Presentations
We’re presenting at conferences all over the country. Here you'll find documentation of our past presentations — we hope you find these materials helpful!
Virginia Association for Early Childhood Education 59th Annual Conference
March 21, 2015 | Richmond, VA.
Developing Play in Young Children in Inclusion Settings
Presented by Angela Alvis, Sharon Shepard and 2 additional teachers from Roanoke County Schools.
Download the handouts
Play in the Inclusion Setting
Developing Self-Regulation in the Classroom.
March 21, 2015 | Richmond, VA
Supporting the Development of Play Skills in Children on the Autism Spectrum.
Presented by Amy Hornbeck and Angela Alvis.
Download the handout
NAEYC Annual Conference and Expo
November 22 | Washington, D.C.
When everything old is new again–Amplification of child development as a central principle of a Vygotskian-based curriculum
Presented by Dr. Deborah Leong and Dr. Elena Bodrova
November 22 | Washington, D.C.
Developing self-regulation skills in toddlers–The role of play and teachers in the process
Presented by Dr. Deborah Leong, Amy Hornbeck and Jessica Peters
2013 South Sound Association for the Education of Young Children (SSAEYC) Regional Tapestry Early Childhood Conference
September 28, 2013 | Olympia, WA
Make Believe Play: A Vygotskian Theory Approach to Learning
Presented by Angela Alvis
September 28, 2013 | Olympia, WA
Make Believe Play: Beyond Playing House
Presented by Angela Alvis
NAEYC Annual Conference and Expo
November 7-10, 2012 | Atlanta, GA
Uniquely Preschool: Vygotskian and Post-Vygotskian Approaches to Scaffolding the Development of Imagination
Presented by Elena Bodrova and Deborah Leong
National Center On Quality Teaching And Learning’s Front Porch Series
October 2012 | University of Washington
Webinar: The characteristics of Intentional, Mature, Make-Believe Plan: How Play influences development
Featured speaker Dr. Deborah Leong
Seminario Educación Temprana en Chile: De la Teoría a la Práctica
July 2012 | CEP Centro de Estudios Publicos, Santiago Chile
Introducción al enfoque de “Tools of the Mind” para el desarrollo de la auto-regulación / función ejecutiva en la premier infancia
Presented by Dr. Deborah Leong
2011 National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Annual National Conference
November 2–5 | Orlando, Florida
Help Me Play, Techniques and Strategies for Scaffolding Play Development for Children on the Autism Spectrum
Presented by Angela Alvis, Amy Hornbeck, and Juanita Regehr.